Sharks Committee
Paul Bugg
m: 0448 458 456
Management of the club financially and governance of the club.
Represent the club and attend meetings with Geelong United Basketball
Sign off and apply for clearance and permits
Ensure teams are registered
Respond / manage emails and delegate as necessary
Attend tribunals as required
Liaison with stakeholders / external agencies as required
Vice President
Neil McKenzie
​m: 0425 708 245
Assist president with their responsibilities when unavailable or as requested
Represent the club and attend meetings with Geelong United Basketball
Craig McFarlane
m: 0413 292 778
e: geelongsharks.secretary@gmail.com
Arrangement of club monthly / annual meetings
Record minutes of meetings
Authorise payments with Treasurer as required
Katie Terpstra
m: 0402 406 391
e: geelongsharks.treasurer@gmail.com
Management of club finances and maintain accurate records
Management of payments, invoices, banking of money and other associated financial transactions
Compile financial reports and supply at committee meetings
Provide annual budget
Compile financial audits as required
Identify non-financial players and forward to junior or senior coordinator for following up of payments.
Review forfeits and booked tickets at Basketball Geelong and raise issues with Senior / Junior Coordinators and club committee as required.
Senior Coordinator
Paul Bugg
m: 0448 458 456
Co-ordinate players for teams at start and throughout season.
Selection of coaches at Championship level in consultation with Junior and Coaching Coordinators
Ensure each team has a team manager allocated
Follow up non-financial players as identified by Treasurer
Arrange / support fill in players as required
Junior Coordinators
U8, U10 & U12 Boys - Graeme Moore 0404 819 245 or Chris Moore 0407 338 654
U14 & U16 Boys - Jan Wilson 0417 380 407
U18, U20 & U23 Boys - Paul Bugg 0448 458 456
U8-U19 Girls - Amy Clarke 0431 706 716
Co-ordinate players in teams at start and throughout season
Appointments of coaches in consultation with Senior and Coaching Coordinators
Ensure each team has a coach allocated and arrange fill in coaches as required.
Ensure each team has a team manager allocated
Registration of new players
Coordinate junior training schedules
Arrange / support fill in players as required
Investigate suitable domestic tournaments and events that will enable teams and coaches to participate in
Coaching Director/Coordinator
Position Vacant
Assist in coordination and appointment of coaches with Senior / Junior Club Coordinators.
Coordination of club tryouts at commencement of each season.
Ensure each coach appointed has sharks coaches pack at start of season (Training manual, Polo top, hat, coaches board and up to date coaches manual / contact list)
Develop up to date training manuals / videos
Ensure coaches have access to the training manuals either through Facebook / Club Website or other social media platforms
Arrange appropriate coaching courses each year.
Arrange at completion of each season a coaches meeting where coaches are:
Given the opportunity to provide club feedback on what worked well and what didn’t
What there availability to coach the following season.
What there team preferences are and nights available to coach
Develop proactive ideas and strategies, such as:
Encourage parents to become coaches and provide list of potential coaches to Junior and Senior Coordinators.
Further ongoing training and development ideas
Uniform Coordinator
Angela Horrobin
m: 0419 139 452
e: geelongsharks.uniform@gmail.com
Allocation of uniforms to players
Ensure uniform teams lists and players list are current and match
Audit of stock
Ordering of new uniform
Design / updates of uniform and seek committee approval upon any required changes.
Management of clash tops
Fundraising/Sponsorship Coordinator
Coordinate fundraising activities (Approximately 3 each year)
Manage club sponsorship
Develop / plan for ongoing fundraising / sponsorship ideas.
Develop / plan for proactive club promotion ideas such as through school newsletters.
Presentation/Awards Coordinator
Coordinate yearly presentation day
Arrange end of season medals
Develop / plan one off functions / events where club presentations may be awarded, such as life membership awards etc.
Website/Social Media Manager
Daniel Willmott
m: 0408 363 142
Management / update of club website /Facebook and other Social Media Platforms
Welfare Officer
Chris Moore
m: 0407 338 654
Take and active interest in the welfare of club members to see if the club can support in any way
To ensure new parents and players to the club have ‘settled in’
Players and parents having difficulty paying club or game fees, offer support and if necessary seek approval from the President / Vice President for financial assistance to ensure no one misses out on playing basketball for the club
Any inappropriate activity is reported to the Complaints Manager
Compliance Manager
Craig Jarvis
m: 0438 671 355
Ensure coaches / team managers / committee members have current working with children checks
Ensure coaches are registered on Player HQ
Update of records of coaches qualifications.
Ensure overall compliance with club policies and procedures